Sign up to our Gardens for Wildlife Membership
Share your garden with our native wildlife
In addition to our yearly membership, joining the Gardens for Wildlife will give you the tools and support to ensure that your own backyard becomes a haven for our native wildlife.
One off Membership Price
$33 – includes 5 FREE Plants, a gorgeous sign to display on your property, and a detailed information booklet with lots of tips and species lists.
You only need to join once! As a member you will also receive invites to members only events and workshops.
Bring biodiversity into your backyard!
Pay securely via PayPal, or in person at the nursery during business hours. Alternatively, if you wish to pay via bank transfer, please contact us for bank details.

Terms and conditions:
I acknowledge I will receive information about the association meetings and other activities via email.
I hereby apply for membership and agree to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of this Association (available for perusual at the Nursery).
Donations (not memberships) are tax deductable.
To become a Gardens for Wildlife Member, General Membership needs to be maintained annually. Should you need to have your sign replaced, membership fees will apply again.
Mooloolah River Landcare and Landcare Inc carries $20 million Public Liability insurance.
Mooloolah River Landcare is a not for profit organisation and as such all donations of $2.00 or more are tax deductable.