Programs for local schools
Helping build the next generation of carers and scientists
At MRL we envision a future where our community works together to improve the health of the Mooloolah River, its catchment and the natural ecosystems of the Sunshine Coast. To help us reach this vision Mooloolah River Landcare has grant funded interactive activities and programs designed to engage with local schools.
There are several community outreach activities to choose from:
Caring for Water: To foster awareness of the importance and health of or waterways we offer hands on Macroinvertebrate Monitoring activities. Students learn how we can use waterbugs as environmental indicators to get a quick snap shot of the health of a waterway.
Through our connections with Seqwater we can help organise tours of the Ewan Maddock Dam Water treatment plant. Exploring the water cycle story, students can learn about how riparian health effects water quality and what we can do to look after our waterways and ensure healthy drinking water.
Caring for Land: Our native nursery grows endemic native plant species and our
biocontrol facility breeds two types of bioagent beetles used for the biological
control of two nasty environmental weed vines. We welcome schools to come for tours of the facilities and even to get involved in bioagent beetle harvests during the summer months!
Climate Change Action: Our Trees4Resilience program offers free trees to schools and support with tree planting activities. Interactive discussions on “the power of a tree” not only explore how trees sequester carbon but also all the other wonderful benefits to the environment such as habitat creation/restoration, erosion control and shade.
Young Citizen Scientists: Our Bug Club program gives students the chance to get
outside and conduct an invertebrate bioblitz. The activity involves catching insects using nets and equipment such as ‘beat sheets.’ The findings are photographed for identification and added to a national/global database of living things via the iNaturalist app.
We also offer iNaturalist training for students/teachers so that schools can set up their own projects and students can be citizen scientists anytime and log their own findings. Mooloolah River Landcare is also one of the founders of the Sunshine Coast Big Butterfly Count. We will be hosting activities and pollinator counts in November and can help your school be part of this.
We also offer iNaturalist training for students/teachers so that schools can set up their own projects and students can be citizen scientists anytime and log their own findings. Mooloolah River Landcare is also one of the founders of the Sunshine Coast Big Butterfly Count. We will be hosting activities and pollinator counts in November and can help your school be part of this.
These programs have limited funding and priority will be given to schools nearby and in the Mooloolah River Catchment.
Are you interested in any of these activities and programs for your school? Contact Jessica: [email protected]